We exist to take our party back to its roots. promote leaders like Lincoln. teach Republicans how to win. equip the Right with information. entertain our audiences.

We started Long9 Studio to take our party in Illinois back to its roots. Our mission is to equip center-right leaders like Lincoln who can lead us into the future.
Not only is Lincoln an inspiration for our brand as Illinois’ most famous son, but as a founder of the Republican Party, Lincoln is a model for what a successful Republican leader looks like today. We need to get back to our roots. Voters are clamoring for “governing leaders,” public servants who get things done, regardless of ideology. The hard-working, bootstrapping people of this state don’t care about politics, they simply want their leaders to focus on kitchen table issues that make their lives better. Those are the “log cabin virtues” on which Lincoln founded our party.
Smoke Filled Room
Live from the Lincoln Desk
Log Cabin Virtues
Lincoln Leaders
Conversations with Illinoisans

In politics, the smoke-filled room is a symbol of a private, often secret back room where political information is shared and decisions are made. If you wanted to be in the know, you had to be in that room.
This Smoke-Filled Room channel will help keep you in the know on Illinois politics. Our experts will regularly provide insight on what’s happening today and predict what may happen tomorrow in Illinois politics to help equip you with the information you need to be effective.

Most of the time in politics the information you’re getting has been filtered, edited, watered down, and poll tested before ever making it to the public. This makes for boring theater at a time when audiences are looking to be entertained, even in their politics.
This channel is intentionally unfiltered and unedited, giving you access to the real side of politics the public is rarely given access to. Gain a whole new perspective on politics from someone who has spent nearly two decades wading through the muck.

When Abraham Lincoln ran for president in 1860, his campaign song was “Lincoln and Liberty Too,” which extolls the log cabin virtues for which Lincoln was famous. As one of seven US presidents known to have been born in a log cabin, Lincoln’s politics focused on the needs of regular people. Today, we call those “kitchen table” issues—the things that impact people’s daily lives.
For Republican candidates to win in Illinois, we must return to our roots and focus on the kitchen table issues, or log cabin virtues, that make people’s lives better. The hard-working, bootstrapping people of this state don’t care about politics, they simply want their leaders to focus on getting things done.
This channel provides training and information for center-right leaders, candidates, and students to help us effectively communicate on the issues that matter to voters.

We need leaders in Illinois who, like Abraham Lincoln, are “governing leaders”—public servants who get things done, regardless of ideology. These log cabin virtues, or kitchen table issues, are what the Republican Party was founded on, and we need to get back to our roots.
The good news is there are center-right leaders in Illinois who are already leading like Lincoln, and this channel is designed to help promote those leaders, celebrate their successes, and share the tactics and policies that have made them so successful. Our hope is this will inspire and better equip statesmen who can lead Illinois into the future.

We have a serious problem in politics—we just don’t understand how other people think or why they disagree with us. Too often this leads to arguments, resentment, and even violence.
The root cause of this is we too rarely listen. This channel is specifically designed to help center-right leaders listen to what Illinois voters think, because if we are going to lead and represent these people, we ought to have a better understanding of how they think.